A discussion of movements to restore primitive Christianity would hardly be complete without mentioning the Oxford Movement of the early 1800s, even though it was actually a reforming movement rather than a restitutionist movement.
Edward Pusey, one of the main leaders of this movement, personally launched a fifty volume set of translations of the early Christian writers, calling it the Library of the Fathers. In fact, it’s largely through the influence of the Oxford Movement that affordable translations of the early Christian writers are now available in English. Because of the groundwork laid by the Oxford men, ordinary Christians today can discover for themselves what early Christianity was really like.

The Ante-Nicene Fathers PDF The early Christian writings known as the Ante-Nicene Fathers are the most valuable aid to understanding the New Testament in its historical context. Now for only $4.95 you can have their entire writings at your disposal in PDF format. Our PDF version is complete with table of contents so that the user can quickly find any particular work. Not only that, the PDF format allows the user to quickly do word searches throughout the entire set of writings. The user can also highlight passages of interest and add his own comments.
A unique feature of our CD-ROM version of the Ante-Nicene Fathers is that we have eliminated all of the spurious writings and fake gospels that are unfortunately included in the written volumes. We have also eliminated Volume 10 of the set, which is primarily a bibliography accompanied with an “index” that is of little use to most readers. The PDF search capabilities make this index unnecessary.