The purpose of our site is to introduce you to the dynamic, living faith of the early Church. This is a clarion call to all Christians to return to that pure, vibrant, simple Gospel message that the Early Christians received directly from the Apostles. The early church lived by it, and shared it with all who would listen. And thus, they “turned the world upside down.” (Acts 17:6)
Imagine being able to talk to a Christian leader who had been a personal disciple of one of the apostles! Of course, we cannot do that today, but we can do the next best thing. We can read the writings of men like Ignatius, Clement, and Polycarp, who were personal disciples of the apostles. Their writings give us an authentic glimpse at what Christians believed when the church was still young.
But one of the things we find when we read the early Christian writings is that the Christianity of their day was not theology-centered. It was relationship-centered. The essence of early Christianity was an obedient love-faith relationship with Christ. It was not mental assent to a long set of theological doctrines.
Furthermore, in many cases, where the early church did have clear doctrinal teachings, those teachings quite often differed from what is taught in popular Christianity today. Yet, everything they believed is based upon a literal interpretation of the teachings of Jesus and the apostles in the New Testament.
Come, browse our site and see for yourself why the faith of the early church is so relevant for us today.
What Was Early Christianity Really Like?
Are You Seeking for Apostolic Christianity?
Thousands of Christians seekers today are looking for authentic, apostolic Christianity. Some of these seekers conclude that the best way to return to apostolic Christianity is to join an ancient church as the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox. But is that really the path to genuine apostolic Christianity?
If you are a seeker of apostolic Christianity, we encourage you to review the resources we have on stopping short of Apostolic Christianity.

Sound Faith
Presenting the historic Christian faith as understood by the pre-Nicene Christians and the Anabaptists. Check out our channel or website for inspiring, challenging sermons and articles.